<—  Layer Zero  Calendar  Membership
Social Rules  Friday Night Vibes

|                                                       |
|                     Membership                        |
|                                                       |
|          opencollective.com/layerzero/            |
|                                                       |

     beta notice: membership is subject to change <3 <3
     beta notice: membership is subject to change <3 <3
     beta notice: membership is subject to change <3 <3

  == layer zero is for everyone, member or not ==

  This part is important!! ❤️

  You do not have to be a member of layer zero
  in order to participate. You may show up, use
  our materials, screw stuff into our walls, teach
  a class, and eat pizza with the rest of us without
  being a member.

  == if you love layer zero, donate! ==

  layer zero only exists because generous people give
  it money 💵, whether member or not. consider helping
  the financial burden of the space.

  You can donate now via our opencollective page.

Current Monthly Donations: $715.38 Rent and Utilty Bills: $1,438
== journey == 🚶 | |_______________________________________________. you heard about layer zero from a friend or from this website ... you contact us (or your friend) and ask to visit!! * discord.gg/QUDKMAMDZB * #layer-zero-general:cyberia.club channel on Matrix * Or via email: mailto:ops@cyberia.club _______________________________________________. | | ☎️💬 | |_______________________________________________. either your friend will bring you straight to us, or maybe you join us on Matrix get to know the group before long, you'll be marking a day on your calendar to meet one of us and see the space! _______________________________________________. | | 🛹📅 | |_______________________________________________. you arrive and meet people, grab a drink from the fridge, maybe watch a movie, play a game, or just complain about your job. it's fun to meet new people. maybe you find something here that makes you smile, or that you're really passionate about, and want to come back _______________________________________________. | | 🧑‍🎤🧑‍🔧🧑‍🏫🧑‍⚕️🧑‍💻🧑‍🎨 | |_______________________________________________. you might ask if it's ok to bring some of your friends next time. or you might bring a project you wanted to get some help working on. meeting more people and getting more involved in the community over time, you may eventually want to take on responsibility. or maybe just want a key so you can solder stuff whenever _______________________________________________. | | ⚖️🔑💵🏛️🏗️ | |_______________________________________________. you can ask to become a member, this will go through a consensus process, and after a week or two, if no one objects, you will be: * given a key * asked to donate any amount monthly via opencollective * invited to the members channel on Matrix * (this is where the consensus process lives) == FAQ == 1. how is this related to cyberia??? membership has lots of crossover but they're 2 different systems. 2. why? because layer zero is not _only_ about computers! it's a general purpose hackerspace :) 3. can i support layer zero without being a member? yes! just give money to the opencollective. there is no obligation to be a member if you don't want to be. 4. club mate when??? idk, erika hasn't gotten back to me and either has the east coast reseller. sad. 5. vending machine when??? bug fack about this :) (c) Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Cyberia Computer Club 2020-∞ View Page Source